Nutrients For Your System

Hydroponics is the cultivation of plants in the absence of soil. Feeding of plants takes place through the application of soluble fertilizers. It is normally a single crop system because the nutrient mixes are specific for one plant type.

Aquaponics is a more natural system with fish supplying most of the nutrients. Small amounts of supplements are needed, however, and Kleinskuur can provide them in the quantities you need.

It is normally a single crop system because the nutrient is specifically mixed only for one plant type at a time. Read more here: 


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Here at Kleinskuur Boerdery Aquaponics, we have the following nutrients in stock:

  • Fe EDTA Iron Chelate
  • Calcium Nitrate (CaNO3)
  • Potassium Nitrate (KNO3)
  • Mono Ammonium Phosphate Technical
  • Hydrosol Leafy Veg
  • Hydrosol Tomato

For more enquiries, or for a price list, please send an email to

Please note that delivery can also be arranged, for the client’s account.