KSBA 4000 Commercial System

Revenue per year R7,112,300.60
OPEX per year R3,308,789.20

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The Kleinskuur Commercial system is the first truly economically viable aquaponic system in the world delivering production on such a scale that revenue can surpass the capital investment in one year.

The most important message to any prospective commercial farmer is: We provide a tested, efficient, productive system – you need to sell the produce!

View Fly-through of the system here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=YimQUmmKRls&feature=emb_title

Optional (not included in price): Starter pack: Including seed, seedling trays, grow medium, fish feed, nutrients – everything needed to start with production in month 1 after construction. (Fish excluded)

Price for basic system is (VAT Excluded). Please also note that prices are a rough estimate. Send an email to sales@ksba.co.za for your custom quotation.