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From biology to hardware

Last month we focussed on the bacteria system as the crucial element in aquaponics to form a complete ecosystem with the fish and plants. It is very important for an aquaponics system to remain in balance to create optimal conditions for health and growth. The system is in balance when the ammonia released by the …

Why aquaponics?

Last month we started this series looking at factors you need to consider before starting with aquaponics. In this issue we answer the question: Why aquaponics? Difference between aquaponics and hydroponics: What makes it different to or better than hydroponics? Also, what is the difference between using fish in aquaponics and a traditional aquaculture system? …

How to get started with aquaponics

80% of entrepreneurs starting a business fail within the first 18 months (Forbes) – this is a scary statistic for anyone looking to start a new aquaponic venture. In this series we shall cover principles that will increase your success rate and reduce your risk for failure. You don’t have to be part of the …

Healthy bacteria in aquaponics systems can save the world

Healthy living begins with healthy eating. The social media rave about superfoods, warns about allergies that may be caused by poisonous substances, promote eating habits without sugar and starch, rave about the advantages and disadvantages of meat . . . and about organic production. With organic production the bacteria in the soil are encouraged to do the important work – feed the plants.